Posts made in April 2019

Common Bail Bond Questions, Part 1

Bondsman in Scranton, PA |

If you or someone you love has been arrested and cannot afford to pay the full amount of bail, you need a bondsman in Scranton, PA, from Always Available Bail Bonds LLC. A bail bond is one kind of court surety bond that allows the arrested person to be released from jail by guaranteeing that he or she appears before the court on the designated date. If that person fails to show up in court, the bail bond company pays the full amount of the bond, and this sum is forfeited to the court.

For petty crimes, bail bonds vary and are based on the location of the arrest. Wait times for release also differ and depend on whether or not the defendant is being held at a local city jail in a police station or has been sent to the county jail.

The following are some of the most common questions (with answers) about how a bail bond works:

  • Is collateral required for a bail bond?
    Collateral is not required for most bail bonds because bail collateral is taken in place of or in addition to bail money to secure the defendant’s release. Bail money is a type of loan to ensure that the person appears in court. Collateral can be a property, jewelry, vehicle, or any other valuable asset that is in a defendant’s or a cosigner’s name.
  • What happens if the bail bonds company is not paid?
    You owe the amount of money you agreed to pay to the bail bond company or agent. If you do not pay, a bail bond company may sue you for the money owed in civil court. If the bail bond agreement you signed includes collateral, you may be secured by personal assets that have value. If you don’t keep your end of the bond agreement, the bail bond company takes ownership of the asset and acquires the value of it to counter the amount that you still owe them.


What Is a Court Surety Bond?

Bail Bonds in Harrisburg, PA |

A surety bond in the case of making bail is the amount of money in cash or property to ensure the arrested person attends all required court appearances. The bond enables the person charged with a crime to be released from jail until his or her case is completed.

A bail bondsman provides a surety bond to have the inmate released for a fee of around ten percent of the total bail amount. For example, in the case of a $50,000 bond, whoever is signing the bond must pay $5,000 up front. Bail agents from Always Available Bail Bonds LLC provide bail bonds in Harrisburg, PA, and throughout Eastern Pennsylvania.

Cash bonds are different from surety bonds.  When someone bails the arrested person out of jail with a cash bond, he or she has to provide the entire face amount of bail demanded by the court before an inmate can leave. If a judge sets a defendant’s bail at $50,000, the entire amount must be paid before the inmate can be released. This amount of money is held as collateral until the completion of the case.

A surety bond is the usual path taken to bailing someone out of jail. It’s unlikely for someone to have the available funds to post a cash bond. Even if someone has a large amount of money, he or she won’t know how long their money will be tied up before the case is over. That’s the time to turn to a trusted bail bondsman to provide a surety bond to have the inmate released.

Contact Always Available Bail Bonds LLC at 1-800-BAIL-OUT when you or someone in your life needs a bail bond anywhere in Eastern Pennsylvania.